Hvala VSEM, ki ste me izbrali za fotografinjo in mi zaupali, da vam pričaram nepozabne spomine, ki se jih boste radi spominjali.
Thank YOU for choosing me as a photographer and trusting me, to create a magical memories, which you will always remember.

Dogs, children or wedding, black and white or full of colors, with flowers or leaves, in rain or in sun . . .
It doesn’t matter, we always look at your photos with open mouth.
You are simply fantastic! We are honored to met you! | E + G
Maja, we knew that you are going to be our photographer even before we decided to get marry. We followed your work on your web site and also on Facebook and admired your photos. We can describe you as a relaxed, positive, full of energy, always smiling and besides all that also very professional. All that is just glowing out of you and we can say it’s quite contagious. With your positive energy, you were the one who made us really relaxed on our wedding day. The photosession was actually really easy because of you. There was lots of laughing. And we knew already at the wedding day that the photos are going to be awesome. And we were right! . . . Photobook. We look at it so many times and we are still full of excitement and admiration. You caught the most beautiful moments and also the most important ones. Full of emotions. And just because of that our wedding day is going to stay in our heart just as it was. It was actually hard to find all those words how to say Thank You. You really are great. | N + G

I still remember the day when I presented you to Klemen with words: “Klemen, this is Maja, she is going to take photos when we are getting married.” :) We laughed but soon there came a day when these words became reality. :) I remember how I admired all the photos you posted on Facebook, especially the wedding ones. Wooow, how beautiful! That is the reason we called you right away when we decided for wedding date. We were lucky you were still available. It was the best decision – the photos are just amazing, we just love to look at them again and again.
Photosessions were really relaxed. We were really nervous before the engagement session, we thought we are not photogenic. But we were so wrong. The photosession was really crazy, relaxed and full laughing. Just after our engagement session we already knew that our wedding photos are going to be even better. The day of our wedding came, early in the morning Maja showed up smiling and happy. It was the perfect start of the day. How wouldn’t you be relax, if a sun like Maja brings you smile on your face? We were smiling and had the best time . . . and you can feel that on the photos. Maja brought out the best from us. She brought out what we really are – simple, playful children who just love to be with each other. And the photos really are the best. We always laugh out loud when we look at them and we say to each other: “Wow, we had a great time!” And we still just can’t decide which one to put on our wall. :) The moment I remember the most from our wedding day is the one in church. We both hardly held back the tears and when I looked into the corner of church I saw Maja, also with tears in her eyes. . . and I saw how happy she is for us. I noticed she felt the most beautiful feeling which was between us – love.
Maja thank you, that you were the sun which shined all 11 months before our wedding day, and then on engagement session and finally on the wedding day. We were honored that we could be you inspiration for taking photos!
Stay as you are, and follow the words: ”Do what you love. Love what you do. That’s what life is all about!” | E + K
We chose you for wedding photographer when we saw your work. Your photos are expressing happiness and spontaneous smiles. Everyone wants that kind of a wedding day and we knew that big part to that contributes also a photographer. We trusted our feeling and chose you. Until the very last day we weren’t quite sure if the decision was right. It was a bad forecast with rainy weather for our wedding day, but you wrote me an sms that everything is going to be fine and the sun is going to shine. You made me calm and I just believed you. And it was true, you brought us the sun and you made the day to remember when we are going to be old. Your photos say the most about you and what kind of photographer you are – simple, smiling and in love with life. Everybody wishes that kind of a person besides you, especially on a such important day as your wedding day. Stay as you are! | D + M

Now I understand why everybody is looking so happy and joyful on your photos. Dear Maja, you are such a great being, you can really easily feel awesome by your side. You are great, really great!
Ufffff, I just came from Petra and Boštjan. You know the feeling when something is so beautiful that you must touch it and feel it? Well, I felt this today when I looked their wedding book. It was a warm heart feeling, not just because of the event itself, but because of knowing that the memory is going to be alive for a very very long time – just because of the beautiful emotional photos. The book is wonderful, both – content and design. You proved again how professional you are.
Thank you. | Jerneja