Plavaj s tokom. | Go with the flow.

Prav nikoli v življenju ne moremo imeti vsega pod nadzorom. Pravzaprav niti ne rabimo. Vse v življenju se zgodi z določenim namenom in vedno smo točno tam kjer moramo biti. Ko se začnemo zavedati določenih stvari, je življenje tako preprosto. Spreminja se narava, spreminja se vse okoli nas. Vse kar moramo narediti je to, da se prepustimo toku življenja.

Življenje je lepo. ❤

We can never have everything under control in our life. Actually we don’t have to. Everything in life happens for a reason and we are always exactly where we need to be. When we become aware of that things, life is really simple. Nature in changing all the time, everything around us is changing. All we have to do, is just going with the flow of life.

Life is beautiful. ❤

Today I got a message in my Facebook inbox:

“My husband and I truly love your photos. Your photos are very inspirational!! Thanks again and keep up the good work!!!

You make a difference in people’s lives.


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