Poroka | Wedding Davorina & Matjaž

“Tvoje fotografije izražajo preprosto srečo in spontane nasmehe. Takšen poročni dan si vsakdo želi in zdelo se nama je, da k temu v veliki meri prispeva tudi fotograf.  Zaupala sva svojemu občutku in izbrala tebe. Do zadnjega dne seveda nisva bila čisto prepričana, da je bila odločitev prava. Poleg tega pa je bil za najin dan napovedano res katastrofalno vreme, vendar si me dan prej pomirila z sporočilom, da bo sonce. Kar slepo sem ti verjela In res, prav neverjetno – prinesla si nama sonce in nama ovekovečila dan, ki se ga bova z veseljem spominjala na stara leta.

Tvoje fotografije največ povejo o tem kdo si in kakšna fotografinja si – preprosta, nasmejana in zaljubljena v življenje. Vsakdo si želi takšnega človeka ob sebi, še posebej na tako pomemben dan v svojem življenju. Ostani takšna kot si!!!”

Davorina in Matjaž

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“Your photos are full of simple happiness and spontaneous smiles. Everyone wants this kind of wedding day and a photographer is really important part of it. We trusted our intuition and chose you. We were not quite sure if it was the right decision until the very last day. The weather forecast for our day was really bad, but the day before you calmed me down with a message that it was going to be a sunny day. I believed you and it was amazing – you bring the sun and you made memories that we’ll be happy to remember in old age.Your photos say the most about who you are and what kind of photographer you – simple, smiling and in love with life. Everyone wants such a person besides, especially on such an important day in your life. Stay as you are!”Davorina and Matjaž

Make up: Anja Skok
Frizura: Rok Salon
Poročni šopek: Cvetličarna Kavalir
Nevestina obleka: Krinolina
Ženinova obleka: K&O
Poročna prstana: Zlatarna Mirage

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