Svoboda tišine. | The freedom in silence.

Poslušati sebe in si slediti. Najti svoj glas in ga prepoznati med množico, ki govori drug prek drugega. Rasti skozi izkušnje in se razvijati v to kar dejansko si. Biti sam s seboj in v tem uživati. Uživati v poti, ki ti je namenjena. Kdo sem? Iz kje prihajam? Zakaj sem tu? Kam grem?

Odkrivanje sebe in zavedanje prav tega trenutka, ki ravnokar traja. Zavedanje tega, da “samo” smo. Zavedanje, da je vsak trenutek čaroben in točno tak kakršnega si naredimo!

Biti v tišini sam s sabo in uživati v trenutku, pa čeprav je zunaj -8°C. Par fotografij, ki so nastale, dokler sem še čutila prste. :)

Lep dan!


Listening to yourself and following your own path. Finding your inner voice and recognize it in crowd, where everyone is talking over each other. Growing through experience and changing in what you actually are. Being alone with yourself and enjoying every moment of it. Enjoying the path, which was meant to be. Who am I? Where did I come from? What am I here for? Where am I going?

Discovering the true self and awareness of this moment. Awareness that we “just” are. And that every single moment in magical and exactly just the way we create it!

Being in silence with yourself and enjoying the moment, even though it is outside -8°C. Few photos, made while I still felt my fingers. :)

Have a nice day!

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“Paradise is exactly like where are you right now…”


MatejšaJanuary 13, 2013 - 19:38

Čudovito! Kje pa ste imeli današnji pohod?
Pa še nekaj me zanima: kako ti uspe pripraviti pse na takšno poziranje?!? Super!

Maja :)January 13, 2013 - 19:40

Me veseli! Danes smo imeli pa nedeljsko počivanje. :)

Phoebe in Free sta naravna fotomodela, je pa res da sta kar precej stvari naučeni. :)

MatejšaJanuary 13, 2013 - 19:54

Sem slabo vprašala :) Kje so nastale te fotografije? Sumim na Snežnik …

Maja :)January 13, 2013 - 19:57

Da da, tole je prekrasen Snežnik. :)

AnaJanuary 30, 2013 - 12:22


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