Zdaj. | Now.

“Some changes look negative on the surface but you will soon realize that space is being created in your life for something new to emerge.”
― Eckhart Tolle

Spremembe so del našega življenja. Vse v našem življenju se vrti, in za temo pride svetloba – vedno. In stvari gredo narobe, samo zato, da se jih naučimo ceniti. Pravzaprav so vsak neuspeh, izguba, bolezen ali bolečina, naši največji učitelji. Naučijo nas da se osvobodimo lažne samopodobe in nam dajejo globji pomen življenja, ponižnosti in sočutja. Naredijo naše življenje bolj resnično. Iz višje perspektive je vsak trenutek vedno pozitiven. Oziroma ni niti pozitiven niti negativen. Trenutek samo JE. In potrebno se je naučiti tega sprejemanja. …ni ne “dobrega”, ni “slabega” v našem življenju. Obstaja samo višje dobro, del katerega je tudi “slabo.

V teh štirih dneh brez elektrike in vode, sem si vzela čas zase. Za branje knjig. Zavedla sem se se kako tiha je lahko pravzaprav tišina, a hkrati zelo glasna. In razmišljam o tem kako globoka spročila nam daje narava…

Nekaj fotografij teh dni. Ali tudi vi ob njih razmišljate o mogočnem sporočilu narave?


Changes are part of our life. Everything in our lifes goes around, and after darkness there comes a light – always. And things go wrong, so we can appreciate them when they are right. Actually all failure, loss, illness or pain is always our greatest teacher. It gives us a lesson to let go of false self-images and gives us depth of life, humility, compassion. It makes our life more real. From higher perspective every condition is always positive. Actually they are not positive nor negative. They just ARE. We must learn the total acceptance of what it is.  …there is no “good”, there is no  “bad” in your life . There is only a higher good — which includes the “bad.”

In these four days without electricity and water, I just took time for myself. For reading books. And to realize how silent can silence be, and at the same time so loud. And I am thinking how deep the messages of nature can actually be…

Some photos from this few days. Are you also thinking about the mighty message of the nature while watching them?






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