“When your eyes met mine, my soul pointed at you and whispered to my heart, him…” Still not really good at posting more on my blog and updating you with new photos. I spend to much time here at the computer, so I enjoy every single free hour outside . . . on the walk […]
Tag Archives: poročni
“Not everyone will understand your journey. That’s fine. It’s not their journey to make sense of. It’s yours.” We first met 3 years ago, in 2013 on their engagement and wedding photo session… and I was really looking to meet again this year.This time it was a maternity session. We fun and it was an […]
Their engagement photoshooting was full of smiling and our energies just fit together. :) And I was really looking forward to THEIR special day. They decided to spend it with their really closest friends and family on a very special location. And of course their border collie Ela. I knew it was going to be […]
“Majo sem po srečnem naključju našla na Facebooku, ko sem iskala poročnega fotografa. Že prvi stik je bil zelo pozitiven in sem vedela da je zelo simpatična punca. In se nisem motila… Z njo je super delati, zna te usmerjati, nasmejati in predvsem poskrbi za sproščeno vzdušje. Njeno delo ni šablonsko in se ne drži “preverjenega”, ampak […]
Končno mi je uspelo najti čas, da posodobim stran s kakšno poročno objavo iz leta 2013. Bila je res super sezona… in poročne zgodbe preprosto čudovite. Sama sem mnenja, da je energija med fotografom in fotografirancem zelo pomembna. Zato si vedno vzamem čas, da se s parom bolje spoznam in da je vzdušje pri fotografiranju […]