Poroka | Wedding Barbara & Domen

Sproščenost. Nasmejanost. Odkritost. Pristna sreča. Vse to je sijalo iz njiju. In bil je prav poseben dan!

Vsakič ko se s kolesom peljem čez Šenturško goro ali Kamniško Bistrico se spomnim na njun dan in na tiste drobne trenutke, nasmehe in dotike, ki bodo trajali za vedno. V kolikor ste spregledali njune zaročne fotografije so tukaj.

“Živi danes! Smej se danes! Danes bodi srečen!”
[Phil Bosmans]

Peace of mind. Cheerfulness. Honesty. Genuine happiness. All that was shining in them. And it was a very special day!

Every time a bike ride over the Šenturška gora or Kamniška Bistrica I think of their day and those tiny moments, smiles and touches that will last forever. If you missed their engagement photos they are here.

“Live today! Laugh Today! Nowadays be happy!”
[Phil Bosmans]

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