Tag Archives: gore


“She’s a dreamer, a soul searcher and a wanderer. She drifts along, deep in thought her mind craving exploration and her eyes telling tales of mysterious adventures.” When I was young my parents took me and my sisters to a flower park. But it’s not the park, nor the flowers I remember. The only thing […]

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Happy 2015*

“Time isn’t precious at all, because it is an illusion. What you perceive as precious is not time but the one point that is out of time: the Now. That is precious indeed. The more you are focused on time—past and future—the more you miss the Now, the most precious thing there is.” The book […]

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Happy 2014*

Vedno sem svoja čustva najbolje izražala preko fotografije.  Vendar zadnji mesec, v mesecu decembru, ki je preprosto nabit s čustvi, veliko premišljujem o sebi, o moji poti, o vsem kar se mi je zgodilo v letu, ki odhaja. Ob koncu leta, je čas za pogled nazaj, hkrati pa tudi čas za pogled naprej, in predvsem […]

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Prisank, 2547m

“Najtežje in najpomembnejše stvari v življenju so preproste – ali drugače povedano, najboljše stvari v življenju so nam prepovedane in dostopne hkrati. Z vsako novo preizkušnjo spoznam, kako rad imam življenje; in živim ga šele, ko me ni strah smrti in ne življenja samega. Obe možnosti sta neločljivo povezani v večnem …krogu. Zato resnice življenja […]

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