Tag Archives: sreča

Focus on the good.

“By doing what you love, you inspire and awaken the hearts of others…” Why do I love photography? Because it makes moments last. It makes unforgettable moments. It makes people happy when they see their photos. And this feeling gives me the energy to be better, to do better. I will never forget the words […]

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Happy 2015*

“Time isn’t precious at all, because it is an illusion. What you perceive as precious is not time but the one point that is out of time: the Now. That is precious indeed. The more you are focused on time—past and future—the more you miss the Now, the most precious thing there is.” The book […]

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Potovanje. | A journey.

“All of us are on a journey. On a quest to know who we really are. To express our full creative potential. To discover how much love we can give and receive. On that journey we all must face challenges and for many the greatest challenges lies within. . .” Louise Hay It’s funny how […]

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Happy 2014*

Vedno sem svoja čustva najbolje izražala preko fotografije.  Vendar zadnji mesec, v mesecu decembru, ki je preprosto nabit s čustvi, veliko premišljujem o sebi, o moji poti, o vsem kar se mi je zgodilo v letu, ki odhaja. Ob koncu leta, je čas za pogled nazaj, hkrati pa tudi čas za pogled naprej, in predvsem […]

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Zaroka | Engagement Eva & Klemen

 Love makes everything SIMPLE. :) Nekatere stvari v življenju preprosto stečejo tako kot morajo. Brez potrebnih komplikacij, sproščeno. Samo slediš toku življenja, ki te vodi. In ko vdihneš zrak, lahko začutiš ljubezen, ki te obdaja…Bil je prekrasen, nasmejan dan v Bohinju. In Eva in Klemen sta ustvarjena drug za drugega. |english| Some things in life […]

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